
This gouache painting that pays homage to the artist's german heritage. It portrays an old radio positioned alongside a jar of homemade honey and a coffee mug, drawing inspiration from the stories passed down about her grandparents and ancestors during the war.

One such tale is reflected in the radio, and involves her great-grandfather, who acquired a brand new, high quality radio to receive signals from Switzerland, recognizing the unreliability of German propaganda-filled media sources.

The jar of honey positioned at the front reflects the harrowing experiences of her grandfather as a prisoner of war. Surviving his time in prison solely on a single jar of honey gifted by his mother, it became a lifeline and a symbol of hope amidst adversity. In moments of despair, he onto a powerful thought:  "At the end of this jar, I will either be dead or a free man." Remarkably, it was on the very last spoonful of honey that his circumstances changed and he was released.

"Generations" is a deeply personal piece of art that serves as a reminder to remain resilient, discerning, and steadfast in the face of challenges.


Still Life With Apples

